Note that the above code could point to any page at all (even one that simulates hotmail's "you have been logged out"
screen. *wink* *wink* HINT HINT ;-) )
This code opens 100 windows with blacksun's main page in it (tee hee! self promotion is good!):
<IMG SRC="javasCript:for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++)'http:://');">
The rest is up to you, my friend. By the way, if Hotmail finds a way to make this exploit null and void, please don't mail
me, as I probably already know. Just keep looking for the next big exploit, and then when you've found it, you may tell
That's all for this exploit, if anyone needs me i'll be on
Terms Defined
(1) Bugtraq - A mailing list where people publicize holes and exploits in various softwares. I highly suggest that you
subscribe at
(2) Exploit - Webster's dictionary sez: " exploit (eks'ploit') - an act remarkable for brilliance or daring; bold deed". Wow.
Think of that the next time you steal someone's ICQ password.
(3) alert() function - A function built into the Javascript language that brings up a rectangle box with the message passed
to the alert() function in it. Note: alert('message goes here')
(4) Javascript - A scripting language built into most popular browsers that gives much greater control over web page
content than HTML alone (chicks dig pages with javascript 2 to 1 over standard HTML!).
(5) ASCII - A standard for characters on and beyond the normal keyboard.
(6) Filtering - A way to 'catch and detain' certain text or commands. Hotmail, for example, filters for the "javascript" text.
Some URLs
(1) - they have some javascript tutorials if you wanna learn javascript.
(2) - they have some fake hotmail pages that will make you think you were logged out for some reason and ask you to input your password. They also have some tutorials on how to use these pages, etc' etc' etc'.